Try Memjogger for free
Try Memjogger for free for 30 days without any obligations.
See how cool it is and how it can help you !
What happens after trial period?
You keep access to your account and your data so you can, for example, export it to your own computer.
But you can't edit it in Memjogger and all other functions of the service (e.g. learning algorithms) are disabled.
In order to enable them again you need to start a paid subscription.
There is one single plan available:
$9 USD / month
- You're free to start or cancel your subscription at any time.
- Special page to manage your subscription is available after logging in.
- You can pay using your credit card or Paypal.
- At the start of each subscription period billing is taken care of automatically.
- You get 30 days money back guarantee for the first billing period, just in case.
- In case of any troubles or doubts you can always contact the author directly.
EU customers: Price includes VAT.